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Four keys to speed up your blog on Digg

Written By Unknown on lundi 11 mars 2013 | 13:58

Four keys to speed up your blog on Digg

Perhaps one of the things that contribute to increase the number of visitors to any site is the speed of the latter in browsing, Vmdona slow this disturbs visitors forums in addition to that he will not reap numerous visits from the Google search engine because it simply forums will love Google, this is when you think about the establishment of a code butand installation of any template, you should consider the fundamental points Saksmha in this post to several points, in order to improve browsing speed of the Code and thereby earn a visitor at the forums and even win the love of the search engines of Google. The speed of browsing Blog intervene when several factors, namely:

CSS codes pressure
Things that Aantbh to most bloggers are codes css Most bloggers are exaggerating the Beauty Blog several Quad css but at the expense of speed browse the blog, the more reciting a lot of development codes css greater time browsing Blog some seconds, this is better to reduce codes css and keep Baldharoria Mnhavqt,but also pressure cSS codes in the Code through some websites that offer such services as a css drive, which provides service css compressor.
Before using the site Jump to expand template forums and search for]]> </ b: skin> was select codes from the bottom to the top by copying it and put it in the site css drive was then pressuring and re-glued in the Code, the signal then you Wakhd back up template Entries before compression codes css to avoid any problems.

scripts java
If you are using a template parsed or otherwise, the template may be available on many java scripts that is the appeal of several those files js, where often if you try to search for'll end this Stretch js.They are located on external Astzafat is Digg. Of course when it enters the browser to your blog Blog Faqalb appeal is based on java script scripts located outside Digg and, of course, if these scripts  weak, the contact time hosting say server Saokhadd time longer than if the host Links. Thus visitor will wait a long time before that display my him forums fully and correctly, for this you must do when your use of any new template to make sure the speed of response of receptions that the scripts java, and I advise always using dropbox as a free, fast and moved away from  free sites, because they are often weak.

Use the service Cloudflare

This service is not working with bands blogspot.com, it must be available on the domain name paid in order to benefit from the service cloudflare, recent considered cdn proxy that works them taking a picture of your site and put them in servers multiple in several countries making visitor when he enters the forums it really is sent him a picture of your blog server closest to the country that lives by, another way assume that host Digg reside in America and the visitor came from Morocco then the server the CDN proxy will direct the visitor to the server CDN proxy content in Spain instead be directed to the server located in America and so will be a time of contact faster and thus will be a time Blog faster browsing.

Image Compression

Many bloggers when they write a post they're Aantbhon as to the size of the images that raising them on Tdoinathm, and this is very bad because if large size they long Stakhadd in Aldhor and therefore the reader entry curse the day he knew forums! This must be when writing any blog entries to pay attention to the capacity of the picture you are lifting. Therefore your use of some sites or programs that run on image compression and make it small size without loss of image quality, personally used last imageoptimizer site that works on My pressure without losing quality, and thus faster than Dhour images for my blog surfers.


The speed Dhour Blog is very important and should not underestimate him if you are working on bringing visitors and earn their friendship, but also win the love search engines, Victejrebh personal after applying these tips that Akhaddt me time to discover its secrets and its relationship with each other, and found that the code of professional rose proportion of visitors from the search engines, but also return visitors any visitors who Blog Azrun more than once per day.

 You can always help of a free tool from Google PageSpeed ​​Insights enables you to check the speed of your site, it is sufficient after the entry link can write forums and click the link to analyze in order to get a special fast rasterization forums with some tips in order to raise the speed of the site.

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